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What I have learned during the COVID19 shutdown...

During these hard times, it is so easy to understand how one’s anxiety and/or depression could take over. We are surrounded by negativity, stress, and uncertainty. Sometimes we have to choose our own destiny and make it happen. This is not said to take away from the struggles that some people face during these unknown times. It’s hard, no one can say otherwise. If you are a person struggling, please reach out, there are people out there, like me, that care and would love to be your sounding board.

For me, I believe everything happens for a reason and that in everything there can be beauty, change and positivity. No, it hasn’t been easy, yes, it has been financially hard, yes, it has been lonely, even if we live with other people, but we have all made changes that should help build our future, protect our health, and realize the things we used to take for granted and learn from them. We have to do whatever we can to find the good in things, otherwise it will eat at us from the inside out. We have to ask ourself everyday, what have I learned from this and how can I use this to make myself better? All we can do is use these circumstances to make ourselves better.

As women, we need to support each other. You may not have time to call a friend, but how long does it take to send a simple text to check in with them? How long does it take to send them a motivational saying or picture? You would be surprised at how these little things can make your friend smile. Wouldn’t it make you smile?

So, for me, my intentions are to continue to send these to my friends even after we get to the end of this challenge. I challenge my friends, if I don’t, call me out on it! Ask me, where are my texts, where are my memes, where are my crazy, funny motivational texts? 

All in all, these times are hard, there is no discounting that. If there are days where all you can do is drink a cup of coffee and watch movies, that's totally fine. But, this time has also shown us all the value of human connection in our everyday lives. Take some of this time to reflect on your life, and strengthen the bonds you have with other people. In the end, it makes everyone’s days a little better!

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