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There is no place for racism!

I have truly struggled this week with everything going on in our country. I just simply don’t understand and the thing is, this is true on many levels. I don’t understand what it is like to be a person of color in our community. Therefore I don’t understand what a person of color’s thoughts or fears may be. Why then do I have a right to judge that? I don’t understand the rioting, but I completely understand the protesting. What is the goal? I also don’t understand how racism is still prevalent in our society. What I do understand, is the need for change! Are we truly still judging people based on color of skin? 

So after praying about it and putting lots of thought into it, I decided it was time for a tough conversation. So I sent one of my best friends a text. I just asked, “What are we missing, and more importantly what would you want us to know? What would you want or expect from us?” She and her husband called me and we had a very real and meaningful conversation about racism. You see, we are a white family, they are a black family, we live in the same communities, have been friends for over 10 years, and yet because of the color of our skin, our lives are somewhat different. I still find this dumbfounding!

I told them I am sure me, my husband and our kids are naive in our way of thinking. Why would I think that? Well, because we live our life believing it is what’s inside that matters. We have surrounded ourselves with people who think that same way. I hear people say “I don’t see color”, but now is a time to be truthful, we all see color unless we don’t have our sight. What you should say, is that the color of the skin doesn't affect your thoughts or opinions of that person. Don’t try to fight this horrible situation by not being honest! That only makes it worse and certainly doesn’t offer a solution. It is ok for us to be different and recognize the differences. That is where real change will begin! Being truthful and understanding. Having that real conversation helped me and them! We may never fully understand all of each other’s struggles, but we know there is someone out there that we can discuss it with, without judgement. I challenge you to find that person! Someone to have a real conversation with! Someone that can be honest with you and you with them! 

Here is where I am sure some people will disagree with me. I believe this change begins in the home! In our hearts! In our community! My husband and I would never allow or tolerate someone being racist in our home. Our children were not raised that way and do not live their life that way. If you hear or see someone treating someone differently because of their race, SPEAK UP! My friend was right, God created the human race, he created different races, but he did not create racism. There is no room for racism to be excused for any reason! These conversations are real, they are hard, but they are necessary! Don’t become complacent just because you aren’t the problem. We should all work together to be the solution!

It is time we all think for ourselves and quit allowing the government, media and all other outside sources, influence our thoughts. Exploit the good! There is no excuse, nor room for any racism or prejudice to be happening in our society today!

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